Momentum Wellness Program

The Momentum Wellness Community is made up of like-minded individuals in search of personal growth, happier, and healthier living. All community members gain free access to all Momentum Wellness events (meditations, intuitive movement classes, discussions, energy healings, journal prompts, etc). All community members are required to participate in the 6 week wellness program explained below.

The Momentum Wellness Program is a 6-week wellness journey completed in teams of five. Each week, we will use weekly wellness challenges to build healthy habits, routines, friendships, and support systems that will improve our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. We will find strategies to help us love ourselves, destress, and improve positivity and productivity. Teams work together so that each member learns to build positive habits that last a lifetime.

Teams are comprised of four participants and one experienced mentor. Small groups foster strong friendships, a support system, and personalized experiences. 

Mentors are highly skilled and trained individuals who have previously gone through the extended 12-week Momentum program. Each mentor is dedicated to their own well-being in addition to their team’s. They are passionate about spreading the self-care wealth, and building a community. Each group will have a mentor to guide them and support them throughout the 6-week wellness journey. 

This program is built to fit the needs of participants with a wide range of wellness experience. No matter where a participant or mentor is in their wellness journey, there is always room to improve and this program will meet them where they are at any given time. Our community is dedicated to building and bringing together a supportive and strong group of people looking to better themselves. 

Our program places a strong emphasis on support system building and accountability. As participants get to know each other, they practice holding each other accountable to personal growth and improvement. We encourage the development of healthy friendships. We teach accountability strategies that discourage comparison and encourage greater internal happiness and growth. 

The purpose of this program is to experiment with and learn about strategies that have been proven to improve overall well-being. As participants learn to understand and listen to their mind and body, habit experimentation will allow each individual to personalize and shape their routines in a way that best suits them. 

Groups meet once a week through a virtual conference call. Meetings last approximately 60 minutes andare attended from the comfort of your own home. Aside from these weekly meetings, the amount of time that each individual puts into this program is up to them! The more time and dedication that one commits, the more growth and improvement!

 All that is needed is Wi-Fi, a computer, and a pen + paper! We hope that you join us in this journey!

PROGRAM PRICE: $20 per week / $120 total


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